Sunday, July 12, 2009



I saw the trailer to, "2012" a month ago and I've been intrigued since. Normally, I don't buy into the, "Judgement day" stuff...But after doing some research...I kind of have a change of heart. See. The world is dated to end on December 21, 2012. And by end...It's probably going to explode or...Wipe out every living thing through natural disasters. What's scary is that the fact that history supports such theories. If I remember correctly (According to my research), The date 2012 is cited somewhere in the Christian Bible as saying thats when the rapture will come. Not to mention the Mayans were the first to predict this.

Do your research!!!

1 comment:

  1. i believe it will be the end as we know it but not the end literally...i believe its just about moving into a higher level of consciousness as a species...i mean if you think about it we are currently transitioning into that now! That's why kids being born these days know so much more then older generations. We are all becoming more aware...the young are teaching the old by questioning and showing and the young are elevating the energy of the earth because of that set awareness level.
