I got a chance to catch up with a good guy friend of mine and we chatted it up a bit tonight. Apparently, me and him have different views on relationships and dating. He's more experimental and willing. I'm more reserved. I try to see things his way but I find it rather difficult. I'm sure he feels the same about me.
My friend is in his early thirties and is single. Huge player. He's always telling me about new girls he's seeing everytime I talk to him. All pretty by the way. To my understanding, he's sleeping with all of them. And I believe at least one of the women thinks that my friend is seeing her exclusively. She kept calling when we were at the restaurant and he kind of gave, "It" away when he asked me not to talk when he'd answer. He tells me the women know that he's out and about with other girls. And even if that were true (I doubt it), why the hell would a woman want...a man that's with a different woman every night? Is it the sex? The attention? The company? Needless to say, there are definitely women out there that wants a man to satisfy particular needs minus the commitment. I asked him if he was happy with his lifestyle. And he replied yes.
Now my story. I'm young and single. I kind of quit the dating thing because...Well...I concluded it was alot of time wasted. I wish I could skip the who dating thing and jump right into love. But it doesn't work that way. I'm the type of woman that doesn't want a relationship unless I'm madly in love with that person. If I'm in a relationship with a someone that I'm not madly in love with, then they're not going to get the me that I can give. They're just going to get a diluted version. If I'm not one hundred percent completely in it and head over heels, then I'd rather be single and just wait until I get smashed over the head with that feeling again. I'm currently at the point where I'm ready to fall in love and be with just one person. I honestly believe that love will find you. So there's really no need to look. And I see dating as a way for people to not feel alone in certain aspects. And what they’re doing is they're taking up that room in their lives. They’re occupying that space that should be left open for the right one. I'm not afraid to be alone. I mean, I don't like it. But if that's what it takes in order for me to get to the right one, then I can withstand it. Now this is what I explained to him.
He says when he was my age, he had the same outlooks. And he feels that he wasted a huge part of his life. Well what he exactly said was, "I should've been f-cking." Not saying that he wants me to do that. I guess he feels like, at thirty something, he should be considering kids and marriage. Yet, he's not ready because he didn't live his life. Basically, he told me that I should be happy and enjoy this part of my life. I should be having fun because once I get older, I have to leave all of this behind and grow up. Which I totally understand.
Now my question to you is...What are your views on dating? Is it worth the time? And why?