Monday, April 20, 2009


I was suppose to send out some stuff to The Source Magazine and Drum Squad a few weeks ago. And I didn't get to putting the stamps on the envelopes until today. LOL. My manager thinks I BEEN sent the s--- out. (Don't tell him).

Well, I overlooked my list of followed blogs today and had to remove myself from some of them. Due to inconsistency of posts or what not.

I copped a KeyRig 49 over the weekend and I'm back to the basics.

Here's some 2006 material;

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's not quite a keyboard. It's actually a midi controller and it's my first and only one. It was given to me by my late friend, "Koolaid." It's been broken for about, three days now. Not that I was planning on working on something new anyway. I've been m.i.a for a minute with this music stuff. About a month maybe.

I'm planning on going to pick up a new one this weekend. Maybe something with more keys. Meanwhile, I'm organizing my software's library and picking up on material that I left hanging. OMG, If you're one of the artists that know me, You'd know I'm always half assed when I make a joint. Like, I'll start on a beat, that's hot to def but will get lazy halfway. So it'll remain a snippet until I get back to it. So me without my keyboard gives me the time to finish up some stuff I don't think I could've if it were still working.

I'm currently going back and forth with She'nice (Tweet's daughter) about possibly working with her and laying down some tracks for her music career. She is definitely a star. So let's see how this will work out.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm taking prep classes now because I want to switch majors. And while I'm doing this, I'm wrapping up my bachelor's in accounting and finance. And there's this community center I'm going to which is also an adult GED program.

I was going to blog on Tuesday about my first experience. But I reconsidered because I was tired. Anyways, I was sitting next to this chick, who I assume was the culprit, who had a STANKIN ass breath!!! Like really folks? Gum isn't anything but 35 cents. And it was like she kept sighing out loud and her breath was strong enough to lift the papers on the table. If my breath was that bad, I'd keep my mouth shut.

So it's all quiet in the room. I get a text from my friend that calls for a hilarious response from myself. See. I'm the type of person who has a ton of inside jokes. Like I'll sit and think of certain things and laugh to myself about them. I found myself wanting to laugh so hard literally but I didn't because I didn't want them to think I'm wierd. I had a huge smile on my face though.

Anyways today. I walk in and I notice I'm the youngest person there. And I'm the only person there taking prep classes. Everyone else was part of the GED program. And I felt bad looking at them because...They were much older than me. Any who...There was this man who I think is in his late forties to early fifties who was just the most obnoxious out of the bunch. You know what, it isn't even that surprising when I see an over grown person acting out in public. It was pathetic watching him, because everyone else was to themselves except him. He was the class clown so to speak. And he is OLD ASS HELL!!! And tell me why he was there trying to sell purses to his lady friends on the side. ????

And let me say, I was the most attractive person in that room . Not even being arrogant folks. I was sitting across from this scroney dude who looked decent. But I could tell he took public transportation. BWAHAHAHA (I'm kidding). Nah, But dude's breath was not inviting. I caught a whiff when he yawned without covering his mouth. And he's wearing name brand clothing and he has on a grill!!! IDK if gum chewing and mouth pieces go together, But still. Mints couldn't hurt.

There's this chick in the class that looks exactly like my friend's ex, But fat. So I text my friend like, "There's a fat version of Destiny in my class." So he's like, "Lemme see." For about five minutes I tried to take a pic of her without having her nor anyone else notice I was. But I was unsuccessful.

I pulled out my summer car today. I've retired my 4X4 and now leaving ya'll in the dust.