Man I told everyone and their mother's this story. Why not my beloved followers?
So this past Thursday, I had the duty of working first shift (5 am - 2 pm). As usual, I'm running late and I just HAD to pick me up some Mickey D's. You know they got that two for three deal going on and I just couldn't pass it up. So I get out of McDonald's...I look at the clock and it's like...5:06. (I was already panicking since I left my house which was like fifteen minutes earlier). Thank god there's no traffic that early...I be doing 60 - 70 mph out here.
So I pull up to this street...And I swear the red light at this particular street take sooooooooooooooo long to switch green. So I look around for cops and whatever...None in sight. So I decide to take, "My shortcut" through a store's parking lot. And this is a big ass parking lot too. And I'm ever so familiar with this area because I come through this way all the time. So I'm like, Ba da boom, Ba da bing. Now maybe it's just me, Or maybe my eyes didn't want to act right that morning. And if you know me at all, You'd know I don't have good eye sight. Especially when driving at night. (Don't ask why I don't wear glasses).
So, I pull into the parking lot right and I see that the lamp posts were out. And my headlights just don't do it for me in these type of situations. So as I'm trying to find my way through the darkness, I'm thinking to myself like, Ok...You've been here before...You know theres a curb right there...Don't turn yet. I drive up a little further...And decide to turn. It felt like I went over a speed bump or something. And I happen to look at the ground and all I see is grass?!!? Then I got scared. I was like WTF??!!!? Next thing I know, My car dives off the curb and is now driving on the parking lot pavement again.
So I'm looking around right. And I see all these cars in the lot. And I'm like, Why the f--- are there so many cars parked up at Target at some five in the morning? And there was one car in specific that was pointed my way with their headlights on. And I just knew whoever that was in that car, Saw every damn thang! I bet they were thinking like, "This motherfucker is drunk!"
Then I felt embarassed. And terrified! Man, I swear I be so lucky when it comes to me being behind the wheel!