Saturday, February 21, 2009


Circa 2008.

I went back into the studio to re-do the rhodes on this joint. The original had a, "Delay-ish" sound. Note, Producers should always have their material mixed properly!


All of this snow I mean.

*35th street*

*View of my back alley*...You know you wanna see it!

*Sorry. Bad camera on my phone. : /*

I don't keep track of the forecast, So if a tornado was to come through here, I wouldn't know. So as usual, I'm already at a late start waking up (I work Saturdays so its a plus when I wake up when I should). I go out to start my car, And its like snow errrrrrrrrrr wurrrrrrrrr. LOL. And being that I woke up extra late, I ended up checking in like thirty after. Even though I have a four wheeler, I be terrified driving in snow. It was all type of people doing thirty and up out there.

Soon as I left the south side, I then headed to a baby shower all the way on the other side of town. Luckily, The freeway was clear by the time I got out. I didn't stay too long though. Came home, Watched back to back episodes of forensic files.

*Things that happened since the last post*

-Did I tell you I bought an HP Mini? Well I did. And it works great. Small, Compact. But just after two weeks of ownership, It has been infected by a virus. And Best Buy wants two hundred!!??!! HELL TO THE NO!

-Oh! I did get my hair done. Now Great Clips, I would go back...For haircuts, Treatments etc. But not for anything major. I'll go back to Hair and Paradise for my perms. Even though I don't like the way they do things, They get the job done and you get what you paid for. I totally wasted $90.00 and now I'm going to have to drop $150.00 more to get it done the right way. And my phone was off the hook that night!!! It took five hours, I had to cancel all of my plans for the rest of that day and I was starving!

-What did you do for Valentine's day? I got a rose and a hershey's kiss from a mutual friend who works across the street. And I got a half assed phone call from my ex. I guess he wanted to grab my attention or something. ???

-Someone asked for me to produce majority of their album. And the sound she wants to go for is the, "Lady GaGa", "Rihanna-esque" type thing. Not that I mind but I feel like she WANTS to go into this direction because thats whats out right now. I'm not saying she's fake but we'll have to see. I haven't said yes yet. It's a very complicated process you guys. I have to talk to her about paper agreements, Royalties, Credits and if she will meet me half way. See, There aren't enough open studio's in this city so I can free work.

-I got picked for jury duty. "Not understanding and speaking english," was my excuse. I never been in a court room and from watching all types of Judge Judy's and Mathis', It seemed interesting. But I don't have the time nor do I have the money to pay for parking.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

$175.00 for a perm?

Are you out of your mind?!!? Please say it ain't so.

Today was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Sunny. Warm. Windy, But tolerable. So I thought it was about that time I got my hair done. I got a perm in June of 2008. And it lasted up til now. I gave the salon a call. And I go to this salon often for waxing and servicing. So I'm thinking they're going to give me a break. Not on no freebie shit, But give me a hell of a good price just because I'm a valued customer. And they fucks with my mom. So you know, I thought it was all love.

So I call like, "This the chick that comes in for eye brow waxing. I want to know how much you'd charge me for a perm?" And the lady is like, "You're the girl with all that hair. $175.00." I was like, "WWHHHHATTTTT? You only charged me $80.00 last year and I thought THAT was too much!" And she goes, "Well, Your hair has gotten longer since then. You remember we had to use three boxes of chemicals to cover every strand of hair on your head, It took an hour just to put on those rollers, And three more to finish the entire perm-ing process?"

It blew me the hell away. And I already know how things are done in this salon. Their prices are NEVER consistent, They don't take professional measures to ensure that their clients are comfortable. Like last year, I had to, "Assist" them while getting my hair done. There was perm chemicals dripping down my face, Onto my clothes. They ain't even shampoo that bitch out completely...And they be overcharging muhfuggas! Now I could take my ass to Great Clips or something. But I gotta wait damn near two weeks to get in that bitch. I'm an impatient gal, And when I want something done, I want it DONE! I was damn near ready to pay that $175.00 to get my shit done, But luckily my homie talked some sense into me.

See I was on the phone the first time. And the lady that gave me the estimate over the phone was the one who serviced me last year. I had to make a visit up there just so they knew who they were dealing with. So the woman who normally does my waxing is like, "You already know I gotta tax you." Then she starts running her fingers through my hair while shaking her head. And she has that look on her face like, "Jesus I hope I'm not the one who she requests to do her perm."

So I just ran a little game on her (I'll be back, What time you open? I'll call before I come). But I was thinking to myself like they think I'm dumb. I gave Great Clips a call. This entire week is booked so I know I ain't getting perked up anytime soon. But I'm looking at, $80 - $100 with them. Not bad but they better not not try no shady shit with me man. Like, "I ain't know you had this much hair, I'm going to charge you for the extra amount of products used on you hair." *Eyeroll*